• 16 Emergency Landings proving Flat Earth


    16 Emergency Landings proving Flat Earth By Eddie Alencar

    This book shows with more than 16 examples, using actual flight data, easily understandable charts, maps, and pictures, comparing globe versus flat route projections, the absurdity of assuming airplanes are flying over a rotating spherical Earth.

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  • -40%

    200 Hundred Years Together, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


    Note : This is a paperback reprint of a book not available elsewhere in print in English. It is being sold as a two-book volume. “Book 1” and “Book 2” are shown on the front covers as well on as the spines.

    Book Title: 200 Hundred Years Together

    Author :  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    Paperback : 883 pages

    Language ‏ : ‎English

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  • Be Wise As Serpents 765 Pages, Fritz Springmeier


    Be Wise As Serpents – The Magical Watchtowers, The Masonic Tower of Babel, and Christianity’s Systematic Destruction.

    765 Pages

    Unpublished book by Fritz Springmeier.

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  • Caution: Zionism! by Yuri Ivanov


    Caution: Zionism! by Yuri Ivanov Paperback book

    Caution: Zionism! : Essays on the Ideology, Organisation and Practice of Zionism by Soviet Marxist historian Yuri Ivanov is a convincing expose of modern Zionism as an ideology, a system of organisations and the practical policies of the wealthy Jewish bourgeoisie. Basing his arguments on numerous documents and facts, the author shows that Zionism has been and is a bellicose reactionary force working against the genuine national interests of all people, the Israeli people inclusive.

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  • Jews and Judaism in the United States by Mark Lee Raphael


    Read this outstanding Amazon review (https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Judaism-United-States-documentary/dp/0874413478):

    In the introduction the author compares early Italian immigrants to the U.S. with early immigrant Jews, declaring that it was typical that Italians immigrants strove for family comfort in their labors, while Jews worked more for their children’s schooling and investment in their small retail stores. That comparison is rendered to explain the outstanding achievements of Jews in America, by comparison to presumably more sybaritic Italians and other Gentiles

    The first chapter of Part I describes the seventeenth and eighteenth century history of Jews in the Dutch colonies in Brazil and the West Indies. This description became a foot-noted source for the book by the Nation of Islam: “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews”, in reference to the slave trade, especially in Brazil. That book, in turn, became the basis for attacks upon the late Professor Tony Martin of Wellesley College when he included it in a syllabus for a course on United States black history. There is a book in refutation of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” by Harold Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, entitled “Ministry of Lies, theTruth Behind ‘The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews’ “. The 17th and 18th Century slavery is a distant prospect for historians to write books about. Today, the Black community sympathizes with the plight of the Palestinians. Black political figures, like Andrew Young, Earl Hilliard, Cynthia McKinney, and Jesse Jackson have spoken out for Palestinian human rights.

    Part I, chapter 2, covering the nineteenth century, contains engaging descriptions about the economic and social life of Jews in the US up through the Twentieth Century. It is like every immigrant family’s story of immigration, tribulations and assimilation into the “great melting pot”, over two or three generations in the US.

    Of particular interest is a presentation of excerpts from an R. G. Dun and Bradstreet credit report on Jewish businesses in the Columbus and Cleveland Ohio area. The author presents it as an example of negative stereotyping, anti-Semitism. It may instead be reflective of reality in the 19th Century; Mssrs. Dun and Bradstreet are are still in business, notwithstanding the derivatives scandal of 2008.

    Part II describes the Jewish social and religious organizations in the United States, their development and status at the time of writing. I particularly appreciated the descriptions of Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Orthodoxy to gain an understanding of the trends in Judaism. The decentralizing, small group movement, Havurot, developed in the 1970’s, from the Reconstructionist movement, is not visible today. Now we have also the “Modern Orthodox” development.

    Part III is entitled “Antisemitism”, giving examples of anti-Jewish expression and Jewish responses to antisemitism. One example cited was when the Hilton hotels began to refuse accommodations to Jews in the latter 1880’s, and the change of policy in 1877 at the Grand Hotel in Saratoga Springs to reject Jews, including their earlier guest, Joseph Seligman, the banker. In view of the situation where the Jews were initially accepted in the hotels, and rejected after the passage some years, we would need to hear the hoteliers’ story to know if it were capricious animosity, or if the action was caused by the behavior of a relatively few Jewish guests. There is a background book that helps to explain the anti-jewish feelings in the United States that emerged after the Civil War: “When General Grant Expelled the Jews”, by Jonathan D. Sarna, 2012. It’s available on Amazon. Mr. Sarna’s book gives an insight into what was going on during and immediately after the Civil War, that could have caused adverse reaction to the Jews in the US. It was during the Grant Administration, according to professor Sarna’s book that US foreign policy began to be directed toward Jewish interests abroad, in the example of the U.S. reaction to the Russian expulsion of resident Jews from newly-acquired territories on its western border. The borders were moved by the 1856 Treaty of Paris ending the Crimean war.

    This book contains much interesting detail. I recommend it as an inside look at the history of Judaism in the United States.

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  • MATRIX III Volume 2 (2 books) by Valdamar Valerian


    Matrix III Volume 2 explores the progression of science, biology and sociology into a materialist paradigm and its eventual degradation into political systems which form the basis of all control paradigms, wars and human conflict, and answers the questions: what is the nature of the two paradigms that collided at Waco, Texas? What are the premises that have resulted in continuous ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the development of the allopathic biomedical approach to health? What paradigms must the human civilization embrace if it is to survive? What lessons can human civilization learn from observing nature? Valerian explores these ideas and more, with in-depth discussions of the ideas of Newton, Darwin, Hobbes, Malthus and other influential people, as well as the processes of conversion of these ideas into political, sociological and psychological control systems. For anyone who wonders exactly how Western Civilization ever got into the position it is in today, the answer lies within the pages of this work. This book not only extends the research delineated in the first volume, but constitutes a superbly referenced exploration into the nature of the paradigm itself.

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  • Mind of Napoleon: A Selection of His Written and Spoken Words


    Mind of Napoleon: A Selection of His Written and Spoken Words
    Edited and translated by J. Christopher Herold

    Amazon reviewers: “Great book. Lost of insights. A grand collection of Napoleons quotes very well organized. Love it. Gives you insight into the complexity of his mind, and the scope of his interests.”
    “If I must go to a deserted place today and am allowed to carry only one book, this would be it. It will provide me with enough thoughts on life, death, destiny, existence, hope and vision to fill a lifetime. If you ever wondered how a man could achieve (and fail) so spectacularly for so short a span in such diverse areas, this book will deliver the answer. You will never see him under the same lights.”
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  • Nobody Died At Sandy Hook by Dr. Jim Fetzer


    Nobody Died at Sandy Hook It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control

    Book Title: Nobody Died at Sandy Hook

    Author :  Jim Fetzer

    Paperback : 425 pages

    Language ‏ : ‎English

    ISBN : 9780692644171


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  • Orthodox Survival Course, by Fr. Seraphim Rose

    The Orthodox Survival Course is a transcript of a series of lectures on the “Orthodox Worldview,” and the history of post-schism intellectual and cultural deviation.
    It is considered one of the most in-depth discussions of the evolution of western religious, political, scientific, and philosophical thinking, as well as the underlying spiritual and metaphysical assumptions, from an eastern Orthodox Christian perspective.
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  • Soma – Divine Mushroom of Immortality by R. Gordon Wasson

    One of the key enigmas of cultural history has been the identity of a sacred plant called Soma in the ancient Rig Veda of India. Mr. Wasson has aroused considerable attention in learned circles and beyond by advancing and documenting the thesis that Soma was a hallucinogenic mushroom – none other than the Amanita muscaria, the fly-agaric that until recent times was the centre of shamanic rites among the Siberian and Uralic tribesmen. In his presentation he throws fascinating light on the role of mushrooms in religious ritual.
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  • The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms, Chan Thomas


    The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms, Chan Thomas

    Book Title: The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms, Chan Thomas

    Author : Chan Thomas

    Paperback : 232 pages

    Language ‏ : ‎English

    ISBN-13 : 978-0451076458

    ISBN-10 : ‎ 0451076451

    New Trade paperback


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